Generous Living

In Jesus, we experience the most generous gift ever given. When the uncreated Creator was born, the relationship between humankind and God was made right again. Giving cheerfully, sacrificially, and consistently is a part of our worship, and empowers the continuation of the work of God being conducted by Five Oaks. When we are generous with others, we remind one another of the great generosity of our God.

Scripture says that we, “Know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 8:9) and this refers not only to an informed mind but an inflamed heart. It is an experiential understanding of who Jesus is and what Jesus has done for us. With this knowledge, we seek to live generous lives that go beyond just giving.


It is crucial that when we give (and this goes beyond money) we should do so with thankful hearts. Everything we have in our lives is given by God to us, and we are tasked with stewarding it well.

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
— 2 Corinthians 9:7


When you give, you participate and partner with Five Oaks as we go about spreading the Gospel, (not just with words but actions as well) and making disciples in Woodbury and beyond.

Ten percent of every dollar given to our General Fund is used to support out local and global mission partners, and an additional two percent supports our denomination, the Evangelical Free Church of America. 

Plan for the year

Every January, we encourage you to take some time in prayer and fill out an Estimate of Giving card. Use this card as a planning tool and reminder for your giving goals this coming year.



If you would like more information about giving at Five Oaks, please contact our Business Administrator, Dave Casmer, at