There is more to following Jesus than going to church, which is why there is church.



Here at Five Oaks, we understand that there are more ways to follow Jesus than by just going to church. We also know that in going to church we can help you discover more about Jesus, his word, and new ways to follow him.

Following Jesus and becoming his disciples are key to living life to the fullest.

That’s why we don’t play church, we are the church.


Jesus was a man. Jesus said He was God.

At Five Oaks Church, we believe Jesus is God, and that belief produces a change in us. Everything we do is about following Jesus with the hope being that our everyday lives point to Him. From life at home with our families to time spent at church or with our small groups to  where we spend our days at school and jobs, we live by reordering our lives and priorities around Jesus.


Are you a screw up? A sinner? Struggle with feelings of exhaustion and defeat? Sometimes so do we.

We’re not dreary or depressed people, but we’re honest; we live real lives and have real struggles. Life can sometimes feel like death, but in Jesus, God rescues us from these dead lives. So the pressure’s off, because God’s doing most of the work. All we have to do is let go and let Him.

Come as you are. No matter who you are or where you are in life, we’ll accept you just as God has accepted us and challenge you to follow God with your whole life.


A disciple is just a fancy word for someone who has said, “Jesus, I’m following you. I’ll listen to you and live like you.”

But following Jesus isn’t just another little choice. It’s a big decision, a whole life change. When we experience Jesus and encounter Him in our lives, it’s difficult not to change everything to follow Him.

At Five Oaks we want to help you do just that, following this simple recipe:

  • Connect with God and Others,
  • Deepen your relationship with God, and
  • Impact the world around you.

To learn more about Discipleship at Five Oaks, CLICK HERE.


We believe the Bible is God’s Word to His people. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through the Scriptures, revealing Jesus to us.

We use the Scriptures throughout our services. From the messages and teaching to worship and the songs we sing, even the prayers we pray are based on God’s Word. Our sermons aren’t just quick tips, but a deeper look at how we can live more worshipful lives.

To learn more about how we view and use Scripture, please CLICK HERE.