2016: The Path Ahead...

Over the past few months, the youth staff and I have been praying, listening, discussing and dreaming about where God would like to take the Student Ministries program at 5 Oaks. Our purpose as a church and as a youth group is to Connect, Deepen, and Impact people with the Story of God in order to bring His amazing story to life.

As we head into 2016, here is a brief overview of how we will strive to make this vision a reality in the hearts and lives of our students through the fabric of Rush Hour and Fusion:


  • Strategic Programming: Beginning on January 13th, Rush Hour and Fusion will be meeting at separate times on Wednesday nights. Middle School students will be meeting from 6:30-8:30 pm and High School from 7:30-9:15 pm. We believe that making this change is crucial in our efforts to create the safe, fun and transformational environment that is desirable to effectively reach both our Middle School and High School Students.
  • Relational Connection: As a youth ministry team we know that effective discipleship and evangelism is largely relational. We have seen the results of great ministry happen inside the walls of our church, but also are aware of the magnitude and impact that a relational ministry has on our students outside of our physical proximity. This is why your youth leadership team will be working to make as many connections with our students outside our walls as possible. Yet, we will continue hosting events that are geared solely towards giving our students opportunities to build relationships with caring adults and their peers.


  • Retreats: Within the next several months there will be transformational retreats for both our Middle School and High School students. On February 19-21st, our Fusion (9th-12th) students will be headed to Camp Lebanon for a fun weekend that will be geared towards challenging them to cultivate an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. (Cost $140) While on April 15-17th, our Rush Hour (6th-8th) students will be headed to Duluth for our annual District Blitz conference. (Cost $130) The weekend will be geared towards challenging our middle school students to practically grow and live out the different areas of their Christian faith.


Invite Campaign: Over the next several months both Rush Hour and Fusion will be hosting special nights of programming and events for our students to invite and bring their friends to our youth group with the hope of getting them plugged into our community.

Challenge: This summer, students in 7th-12th grade are invited and encouraged to attend Challenge in Louisville, KY. It will be an amazing week of worship, fellowship, teaching, and serving. The cost will be between $600-700.  (Don’t worry 6th graders there will be a special trip just for you this summer!)

We know that there have been a lot of changes in the overall landscape and structure of Rush Hour and Fusion these past few months. But we are excited to already see the impact and fruit that the Gospel and person of Jesus Christ has had on our students.

Parents, over the next few weeks, keep an eye and ear out for additional information on updates and opportunities for your teenager(s). Lastly, please make it a point to attend our next Parent Meeting on Wednesday, January 6th from 6:30-8:45 pm at church. Thank you for your support and taking the initiative to be the true youth pastors of the teens that God has placed in your lives!

In Him,

T.A. Sotebeer