Tea With The Talks

Last month my wife Katie and I hosted our first Christmas Tea with the Talks, with the six grade girls. At first, I was very nervous because what do people do at tea parties anyway? I had nightmares of girls spilling scalding hot tea on themselves and Christmas cookies flying all over the place. The idea of a tea party sounded very boring and scary to me. I am so glad I didn't let my doubts and fears stop me from having this event. We had a lot of fun with drinking tea and hot chocolate and eating elegant finger foods. One highlight was when we played a game in which the girls picked Christmas Carols and genres of music out of a hat. They then had five minutes to rehearse and perform their version of the carol. Heavy Metal Jingle Bells was pretty amazing! It was an awesome time of fellowship and growing closer as a group. God taught me to trust in him and not be afraid of my doubts. It was an amazing time and I'm looking forward to the next Christmas Tea with the Talks!
