Stories of impact: Your invitation matters
This weekend we’re getting a peek into the many layers of blessings that make up the bike shop at Hope Farm School. Kevin Gjertsen, a long-time Five Oaker, was invited to help repair bikes for the students at Hope Farm School, and from that blossomed a bike shop that pairs volunteers with the boys for repairs and teaching. This story is significant because it reminds us how impactful an invitation can be. We don’t know what God will do in the hearts of those we invite, and serving in some way provides an easy ask. As the Global 6K approaches in May, start praying now for those you know who might like to get involved in bringing clean water to people across the world. Save the date for the Global 6K (May 17) and consider whom you might invite to join you. A simple invitation can change an entire life.
Equipped for Life Workshop: Help with kids and aging parents
Some of us are parenting our kids, and others of us are “parenting” our parents. Whether you have small kids or aging parents, you might appreciate some practical wisdom and spiritual encouragement in your current situation. Join us on Monday, February 3, for our Equipped for Life Workshop with four different breakout speakers for various life stages. Childcare is offered for $5 per child. Get all the details and register here. Questions? Email Kelly Bauman,
Join us to pray for the Together Campaign
You are part of the heart of our church’s mission. We know you’re invested in what God has next for Five Oaks. Because of our commitment to how God is moving in our church, we invite you to join us for a time of prayer — together — at one or more of our Together Prayer Gatherings. Look forward to a low-key time that includes prayer in smaller groups and time for individual prayer and reflection. Whether you’re a veteran prayer or someone newer to prayer, God wants to hear from you on behalf of the Together Campaign. Thursdays, 6-7 pm, January 9-February 27. Questions? Email Brandon and Sara Hale at
A can’t-miss event for public school educators
Are you a Christian working in a public school? Start your Saturday with an uplifting morning of fellowship, worship, and inspiration designed just for you. Connect with like-minded educators over a hot breakfast, be encouraged by powerful testimonies of God’s work in our schools, and be inspired by a keynote speaker who will leave you ready to tackle the challenges ahead with renewed purpose. Saturday, February 8, 8:30-11 am at Five Oaks. Details and registration here.
Looking for a way to serve as a family?
Feed My Starving Children in Eagan welcomes kids as young as 5 years old to pack meals with a parent present. Bring your whole family -- and your neighbors -- to pack meals with other Five Oakers on Saturday, February 15, 9:30-11:15 am. Interested? Sign up here: Questions? Email
Story of God - the one true story
Research shows that the number one way to grow spiritually is to read and reflect on Scripture. But frankly, sometimes Scripture is confusing. Our Story of God course is designed to help you see the one big story the Bible is telling and the stories, songs, and letters contained within that broader story. We have several Story of God classes starting this winter. This eight-week class will help you read and understand the Bible with better clarity. You can find the details and register here:
Interested in membership?
Membership is important at Five Oaks. It’s a way of saying, “I want to be part of the mission of this local church.” If you have a personal relationship with Jesus, and you have completed the Story of God class, we would love to have you join us for our membership class on Sunday, February 16 at 9 am. Register here. Questions? Email Kelsey Vang,
FREE FOOD - Curious about all the IMPACT Five Oaks is having?
Are you curious about all the ways that our people are IMPACTing our community and our world? Four times per year, our various impact ministries gather for a meal and a time of storytelling, idea sharing, and prayer. It’s a great place for you to join and get a pulse on Impact at Five Oaks. The next gathering is on Monday, February 17 at 6pm at Five Oaks. Please let Dave Baar know if you’re interested in joining (, or you can just show up!